Ahad, 25 Disember 2011

kekasih ku... mby.......

hm...... idup.... ase cam da ta dew feeling.. huhux... ntah la... jiwe ase kosong sgt.. 2 la.. slalu wat dose.. lin2.. bile la U na bertaubat ae???  dah besar pnjang.. tp still cm budak2...   nak sume owg dgr ckp koe je un!! hey!! wake up gurlz.... smpai bile koe na jd cm neyh???

huhu... ntah la.. bosan lak skunk neyh.........
dgn dye... lg lah..... ase cam dah ta dew papew la.... nak berterus trang or wat bodoh je ae???
hm.. lau dibiarkan.. ta tau lah pew na jd..
yg sure nyer... aq tak dew feeling dah........

hm.. nak beralih arah... dah cam ta mau je cple2 dah... biar papa yg setel kn un sng??? ta pyh susah2 na piker.... hm...
cam better jujur je kowt.. tp syg 2 stilll adew... tp makin lame mkin bosan... ya... aq neyh cpt bosan... kne mencri sesuatu kelainan 2 make it more intresting????
hm......... ukeyh2....... biar lah ms ey tentukan pew yg jd kat kitewowg......
i ta mau bertepuk sblah tgn je..... wat malu!!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 10 Disember 2011


bowink nyyyyyyyyrrrrrr.. ta to na wat pa.. pkwa dah la busy memanjang..................... bosannnnnnnnn...

Rabu, 28 September 2011

pew mslh........

1 ary yg agk best....... tp ta best pown...... hurm..... bale apw la yg menimpa aq neyh.. tlong2.....
result exm da dpt..... mmg trok giler.. tp ta kesah pown sbr nye.. suke lg adw la... coz ta terlalu tinggi.. ta dew la kecewe sgt time spm.. hehehe.. tp.. mmg kne mrh ngn papa la pas neyh.....
sprty yg di jnji kn.... lau result exm aq rendah.. aq kne clash ngn farid. . . tp....... syg la.... syg na tinggalkn farid.. dye 2 cm dah sebahagian dri idup aq.. mane tak nye..... tiap2 ary owg yg aq mcg, dye je..  tp adw gak kwn2 len.. lau aq ta dew dye.. msty ase plek.... haha.. kne blajar gak idup tnpe dye.. pmpuan ta leyh berhrp sgt kat lelaky.. 6ty diri sndiri yg kecewe... btol tak????????
huwaaaaa.. ney la... dulu abg rafi ktw jgn bercinte.. ta mau dgr.. dgil sgt.. kras kpale.. hty btu.. skunk pew dah jd???? aq yg tanggung sowang2...
so.. anggap je la pew yg dah jd sume kenangn silam yg ta membwe apew2 erti untuk mencpai sesuatu kejayaan....... so.. harus dilupekn sumenye... ta kesah la.. pahit kew, manis kew... yg pasti, sume neyh da bnyk merosakkn aq.... n prinsip aq skunk...... dont trust man!!!!!!!!!

but....... cm ne aq na blajr 6ty.... dah plane,,,, na blajr berdue ngn hubby!!!!! cepat.. tlong aq bg cdngn len????hurm........ ta pew la.. bukan slalu berdue2 ngn dak laky dlm kls....... hehehehe... lg 1 mslh.. niat aq baek na blajr.. tp tkowt di slh ertikn.. cm na ae na membuang pndangn negatif msyrkt??
arghhhhhhh.. ignorkn sume 2... apw yg penting.. aq tau pw yg aq wat....... erinnnn.. lnx la koe na jelez kew apew kew.. who cares?!!!!!  hahahaha........
erm....... papew hal...... minx ampun n minx maaf sgt2 kat kwn2 aq.. ta kesah la..... yg aq wat skit aty kew.. yg skit kan aty aq kew..
trutame kpd : -

raja norasiah.
fateen nurul najiha
student chinese 5s1 2011 smk sg besar
all my ex bf =
     *haziq fikry
     *amierul fikry
     *abg mohamad hafizie
     *abg fazrul nazrin
     *mohd izwan
     * firdaus
     *n kpd yg aq da ta ingt cpw nme nye.. coz bnyk sgt..
dak2 skola smkst.. 
bnyk sgt la.. ta terucp.. hehe
k la...... aq mintak maaf sgt.....
berkatilah spm aq taun neyh.... tkowt siot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

papew hal pownnn........ thnx alot for evry thingsssssssss..  
n aq pown kne stop smpai sini dulu... lau dw papew hal..
6ty2 la aq updte.. mls gak asew nyyew...
hehe..... wasallam

Rabu, 21 September 2011

exm punye psl...............

 disebabkn exm punye psl... terpakse la kitw owg rye dlm mse 2 ary sje.. ary jumaat uh dri pgi smpai ptg, ahad nye lak, dri ptg smpai la kew mlm.. hahaha.. blek2 umah.. papa wat mukew msm.. tp puas lah gak... pas exm kimia neyh ingt na smbung rye lg.. hehex..... tp cam ta boleyh je... hurmmmmmmmmmm..

 kdng2 ase terbeban gak.. byngkan.. start je aq jd adik bradik pling tue kat uma..slalu la gak kne leter ngn mama. nak tak nak.. kne dgr gak.. lau dah ta thn sgt.. pew lg.. amek kunci moto.. kuar jln2.. bile ase na blek bru la blek.. ta suke la lau idup slalu di kongkong.. na gak idup bebas.. maksud bebas 2 bukan la nak bersosial..tp na relax2.. haishh.. 2 pown ta phm ka.....

 k lah.. na out... kne kuar.. antr brng.. bubyeeeeeee.......

Sabtu, 17 September 2011


td pegi umah mamat uh... perghh.. tringat nostalgia lme..... dulu.. hurm.. cdeyh pown adw.. suke pown adew.. td sje je buli cak coz ta na skit aty.. sje dtg uma dye na lupekan kisah lme.. tp mkin lme mkin skit aty lak... ase cm. argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bncinye........ adw kew dye ktew aq ye2 je na dtg umA  dye tp sdngkat dak uh pown ajak.... papew ntah.. aq kick koe krng bru tau.. huh!!!!11 dah la.. ta pyh na pure ngn aq.. lau suke 2 ckp je la.... ta pyh lak na wat owg "menyampah""meluat" tngok kau...
huwa..................... tak suke2... aq benci...
ta mau la.. hurm.......
ca ne la lau dak uh tau bnde btol.. haha.. its ukeyh...
aq dah jumpe owg leyh r perfect gak.. k2...
never mind... chow dulu.. bubye...

Khamis, 15 September 2011

teruk nyer..

ary ney ta dpt ikowt fmily pegi bercuti.. kecewe nyer la. .  hm... dah la 2.. jnji na kuar ngn adik angkat kul 9 tp smpai skunk ta smpai2 lg.. tension nyer la.. len kali lau ta jd, ta pyh la ajk owg p kuar.. dah la 2.. ptg neyh na kuar ta leyh.. kne jge adik kat uma.. sian lak tinggal dye sowng2. mane x nye.. knci umah bkan kitw owg yg pegang.. sian dye.. mlm ney lak cdng na mkn kat luar je.. na msk pown cm ne.. bhn tak dew.. smlm mamy ktw na pg psr pegi beli, tp ta beli pown.... papew ntah... bek ta pyh tinggalkn kitwowg kat uma...... cm apew je.... haishhh.. neyh la.. ta plne btol2 sblum na pg.. tp its ukey.. ary ney je.. sok leyh la kuar jln2.. hahaha............

Ahad, 4 September 2011

best sgt2

smlm.. bestttttttt sgt. hehehhe......
haha.. klakar la.. aq sndiri x sngkew akn dpt experience yg cm 2..

1, hehe.. pergi uma cikgu zaidah suan.. mmg best.. ta tipu!!!!!!pas 2.. kne r gak blaahh cpt siket coz dak 5s2 dah smpai lak..

2, pg umah alen.. amek list ngn wet rye........... hehe.. yew2.. dpt wet aye...pas 2 amek list na uma2 cikgu.. time onway g umah ustad ridwan, hm.. time 2 r gak terserempak ngn si daus.. ingt dye ta follow.. tp dye ikowt gak.. aduyai.. mamat neyh mmg la... smpai tmn padu prmai dye follow.. dye ktew na dtg umah. alamak!!!!!! mane leyh..... papa dew kat umah la... dye  nnnneyhhhhhh....

3, na pg umah cikgu suhaida.. pergh.. seb bek r cikgu dew kat umah.. 2 pown meredah je cri umah cikgu... pas 2 plane g umah cikgu lala.. hehe.. bib isi minyak motor kat shell.....

4, aduh.. susah nyer la na cri umah cikgu lala.. pusing2.. haha.. nek pning.. tau sg lias. ta tau bengkel chong. pyh no mencari.. smpai sesat r gak.. last dah putus harapan.. tnye la owg kat skitar situ.. upenye kat seberang jalan.. hehe.. ptot la x jumpe...

5, hehe..time 2 g umah cikgu idrisss.. sumpah.. mmg bnyk sgt knangan time pg umah cikgu.. klakar laa.. ta mau la citw.. biarlah ianya menjadi rahsia.. hak6......

6, last skali.. pg umah dyana.. sje.. na rye
fmily dye sporting sgt2.... suke r....

last nyer.. blek mlm..  kesah la..... jnji kitwowng puas!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

my fmily...... huhuuuuxxxxxx.

Khamis, 18 Ogos 2011

tuk owg yg sakitkan aty aq. . . .

By: Marlin

Everything started so fast. All this began when my cell phones was damaged because I throw away the cell phone to the wall because I was angry with the person who always disturbed me late at night. After that incident, I cannot switch on my cell phone. I told my father about that and he sends my cell phones to the shop for repair. After a few days, the cell phone had been repaired and my father said that the cell phone has been formatted and the information in that cell phone was lost.

A few weeks later, when I was hanging out with my friends, Aleen, to meet her friend, Fatin, at Parit 13, some guy called my number and he said,” hello Lin, I want to ask you something. Are you Marlin? “. Then I felt confused, did I know him? I asked myself. Yes, this number is so familiar for me, but I forgot who the owner is. I said to him,” excuse me, err… yes, I am Marlin. Why? Do you know me? I am sorry, I cannot remember who you are because my cell phone has been damaged and all the contact numbers are missing. Can I know who are you? ”. Then he said, “Marlin, I am Amir, you classmate when you was in standard 6? I am prefect in our school. How could you forget about me? Hmm... Never mind, you are busy with your study. Am I right? It is okay, I did not want to disturb you. If I am free, I will call you back, okay? ”. Then, he drops the call.

Three days later, he called me again. He asked about my condition here and he also asked many things about me. For example, I always hang out with whom? , what I like to do and where I like to go if I hang out with my friends? Firstly, I felt uncomfortable about his questions because he just my friend and not so close with me. But, he become more weird because he want to know my activities everyday and starting from that, we shared many story such as his life, his family, his friend, and what he likes. He started being brave to call me late at night and make me wonder, what he truly wants from me actually.

After 5 days we know each other, I just remembered who he truly is. He is my friend when I was in standard 6. He was reserved and shy persons because he just said what he wants and he just did his work and he just talked to me for important things. But now, he was different. I cannot believe that he had changed so much. He is change may be because he is studying at Shah Alam, far from his family or about the culture that brings from the teenagers there. I just ignored all the questions that were playing inside my mind.

One day, he was calling my cell phone number. He was quiet for long time before he said to me that he loves me and he wanted me to be his special girl friend. I was shocked and I cannot say anything that time. Then, both of us were silent. I switch off the cell phone. I was thinking for a while and I realized that our relationship has gone so far. I cannot accept all this because it is so fast for me. He tried to call me, but I did not answer until I asked myself, “Marlin, this what you want before this, right? What u still waiting for? Just take the chances”. Yes, that right! But, I do not want to be treated to Fared because I love him so much.

But, when I think from the other side, if I told Fared, maybe he will leave me. So, I do not tell him and I keep this secret until I told him the truly story. I make myself to be strong and then, I called Amir and I said to him that I accept him to be my boy friend but he seems he does not like my answer. I do not know what the problem is and I do not want to know why. Starting from that, I learn to love him and try to be best for him even I was have Fared in my life. Are me so greedy? Hum, I do not why I become like that. I sink in my own world and at the beginning of our love, I felt so happy but I know, at the end, I cannot forget what was he had done to me until he broke my heart into pieces. That is may be what I should get because I not being honest with Fared.

Next five days, I had miss-understanding with my mother. She placed all my eldest sister faults on me and make me so stress that day. At the same time, I fought with Amir because he said I am a liar and I just want to make fun with his feeling. That time, I did not understand what he meant. In that time, I also need to go to tuition. I do not know how to control my feeling. But, I need to go to tuition because I do not want to escape any class that I had paid. When I was there, still no bodies are come. I went to the back and at there I do not know why started cry until my friend, Alia came and she tried to make my feeling be clam and happy. After felt comfortable, I stopped crying and followed her go inside the class tuition.

That night, he tried to persuade me, make me laugh and finally, we become like before. He felt sorry and guilty because asked me ridiculous question. I said to him that this Wednesday, my friends and I going to Kuala Clangorous. He said that he wanted to meet me but he did not have any transport. I said to him, “It is okay. I do not want to meet you. I just want to hang around with my friends and enjoy with them”. Then, he said, “Okay, for you, I am not important as your friends, right? So, why you accept me? ”. I did not want to answer his question and I just dropped the cell phone.

That Wednesday, I enjoyed with my friends and I am happy when hanging out with them. Lastly, Amir met me and brought me to ‘Stadium Kuala Clangorous‘. At that time, the placed was so quiet because no people at there. I was scared if anything bad happens and I try to be cool. Suddenly, my cell phone was vibrated and when I take out the cell phone from my pocket, I saw at the screen and I read, ‘One massage’. I know Alia was informed me that we will be late I not arrived there at time. Then, he begged me to kiss him. I said to him that we should go now but he still begged me until I want to do those things. Herr... So, I just do what he wants and finally he sends me to my friends.

A few weeks later, I found out that he has another girl, just like me, have another boy. I do not know why I being so jealousy and I just want to hear from his mouth, the truth. Firstly, he said that girl just his ‘sister’ but I do not want to trust what he said. Then, I push him to tell the truth and finally he said to me “Yes, she is my girlfriend, my wife, my heart, my soul, and for me, you just like her, but, I want both of you be mine!” Suddenly, I do not know I cry. My feelings become uncontrolled and I started throw any things in my bedroom. I did not know what I should do. I should be angry to him or ignored what was he done and continue our relationship? Why so greedy? Why he did this to me. Why he fooling me around, if he love me? Those questions are around my mind. May by, that what should I get because I was cheated Fared.

From that day, he 100% has been changed. I do not know, it is my fault or his fault. If this condition continued, I cannot be stronger anymore. Lastly, he broke up with me. That time, I was crying loudly until no tears come out from my eyes. I am so tired with this entire situation. I realize that I am being foolish around this guy. From that incident, I cannot trust guy anymore because I am scared if this situation happen again to me. And truly, I found out from his girlfriends, he just wants to play with my feeling and I felt so stupid because I trusted him. I promised to myself not to cry again. Enough three times I cried because of my loved one and continue my life with the person who truly loved me, Fared, because he just the best one for me in my life.

Jumaat, 29 Julai 2011

tringat knangan pahit

td kat skolah.. erm.. wat pew ae??  ha! time uh ckp ngn alen.. tetibe.. adew la sowng mamat ngn kwn dye neyh lalu kat dpn klz aq.. first time pndng, tros tringt kan someone.. hurm.. pas 2 dye pndng aq blek.. senyum lak 2.. tringt tros pew dak uh pnh wat kat aq.. snyuman dye.. serius.. persis cam dax uh.. mmg sgt menyakitkan aty la sng citew..
hurm.. dulu time kat smkst.. form 1.. dax ney wat sue, sakit aty,menyampah.. muke je arp hndsome.. tp prangai haprak giler... wat jht kat aq, aniaya aq,,,,, x kan lupe la........ slagi sakit aty aq kat dye x ilng.. slagi 2 aq x kan lupe pew dye dah wat........ aq mmg na lupe kan pew yg dye dah wat.. tp x leyh.. coz pew yg dye wat mmg dah melampaui batas........
hurm.. arp sngt dendam 2 hilang bile aq jumpe dye lg....... amin...

Sabtu, 9 Julai 2011


happy un kitw owg?? aq da trime hakikat.. aq dah leyh trime downg dlm idup aq. walaupown lambat.. aq epy sgt ngn downg.. downg wat aq piker, bukan sume owng kejam terhdp kwn nyer.. kdng2.. kiteowg wat gak bende2 klakar... kdng2.. hm.. 2 x yah citew... coz downg mmg terbaek. slalu bg aq support, tngkan aq, bg aq nsihat. cume... lau aq dew mslh susah siket aq na citew kat downg... ta tau la npew.. dah biase kowt... hurm. mslh aq skunk mkin bertambah2.. ta tau r npew.. hehehe.. tp.. pkwe aq pown bg support, 2 dah dikire ok sgt la... k lah.. hope aq leyh tros bhagie.. amin......
-by mazlin-

Isnin, 4 Julai 2011

kisah ku

erm.. result exm aq dah kuar.. agak trok la gak.. 2a+2a2a-1b+1b1c+.. trok nyer.. jelez aq ngn kwn2 aq yg skolah kat sarama penuh.... hurm.. salah aq gak.. owg suh bce buku, aq g on9 fb.. 2 la.. budak pandai. bela result trok.. menagis x sudah... papa ktew ok.. tp.. mama.. hurm.. ntah la.. kdng2 ase terkongkong gak ... yew la. lau sume nak perfect cm ne sdngkan aq sndiri x perferct.. huhu.. ntah la. dah nasib aq kowt?? un???

hurm... ary 2 g skola starp.. walaupown downg punye rvis agak lambt.. tp best la.... suke sgt2.. msuk umah hantu.. hehehehe.. len kali mau masuk lg la.. lau adw mse...

pas 2.. leh lak terkantoi ngn ustazah na g bno.. mamapus!! kne reject la aq pas neyh.. huhu..
time cuty neyh bnyk gak bnde bru aq dpt.. exmple.. kuar rmai2 ngn kwn g jauh... haha.. hbis duit bnyk kowt.. janji epy.. tp mmg release tension r.. otak aq pown dah ase ringan nak blajar...

time blek lak ary ahad uh dri starp, amek koe kne kco ngn mamat yg x bpw nak hndsome kat trafiq light. dah la adw membr2 kpd membr aq kat situ.. lau kantoi. mmg msk r aq kne.. tp un, downg ney x dw otak kw?? asal la nk ngorat owg kat trafiq light?? bhye2!! conclusion= jangan bersembang time lampu isyarat ngh merah.. huhuhu..

2 la kisah aq time cuty neyh.... walau x bpw nak best.. tp bg aq ttp best......

by -mazlin

Sabtu, 4 Jun 2011

bosan r duk umah

bosannyer dok umah... x tau dah nak wat pew...
pg td dah kuar.. jumpe leya,alen n ji-a... bincang sal forum kiteowg.......
argh!!!!!!!!!! mls nyer nak wat.......
dah la +mths x wat lg..
mlm td pown aq x tidow.. ngntok..
tp lau nak tidow skunk ase cm x best je..
bnyk gangguan..
ase otak ney cm nak pecah je..
nak giler pown adew..
lg2 pas peristiwe kat kS uh....
 aq x kan lupekan smpai bile2.......
hurm... idup2 aq kne main... mmg x puas aty la..
lau dye stakat nak men2 ngn aq bek x yah
bnyk lg dak yg nak kan aq...
tp aq skunk dh jnji nak stie ngn fared je...
terpakse la aq dgn rela haty tunaikan jnji aq 2... arap hubungn dpt kekal lame... amin....................

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

rahsia idup ku........

dah lme gak un ta update blog neyh??? hurm.. ntah la... skunk neyh ase sunyi sgt, tnpe dye.... kmne lah dye menghilang??? hurm...... sepi... ptot lah ase kosong je......
skunk lak..... aq ta tau npew bnyk boyz kat sini knl aq??? sdngkan.. aq kuar lepak ngn downg... juz.. skali je...
ntah la..... amin lak suh aq bertaubat... tp.... aq pown ta tau cam ne... hurm.. 2 lah manusia.. dah buat dose.. ta rety na bertaubat.. apew la nk jd neyh......... to fared......... soe.. ma bukan tak nak contact pa... cume.. ma blom bersedie nak citew mslh ma kat pa... tunggulah sampai pintu aty ma terbuka ae................

Sabtu, 23 April 2011


hehe.. gmbr neyh time tlong kwn aq wat keje sivik dye...ta sangke.. adew mse gak nak snap pic.. biase ler.. ta de keje.... lepak lme2 lak kat situ... huhuhu.. k lah.. kne out dulu.. na p tusyen........

Sabtu, 9 April 2011

bahagia bersamanya..

tadi kat skola susah la gak na ckp ngn dye.. biase la.. budak perasan.. haha.. msty la AM mengamuk lau bce bnde neyh.. hehe.. pdn muke.. tp ta sngke.. cm ne la aq leyh kwn ngn dye?? dak beby face.. haha.. klakar.. dulu ta tau npew aq anti sgt ngn dye.. tp dah okey lak skunk?? jgn aq dew simpan aty kat dye sudah la aek... like2.. ha!! best nye la tau yg ketue aq dah adew awex.. so.. ta dew la trase sgt bile kwn2 kat skolah kenekan aq ngn dye.. good bye my hubby.. pas neyh.. ko bukan lg hubby aq dlm kelas.. n.. makne nye.. da tde gosip n.... RJ da ta leyh panggil aq neyh wife dye....... yahoo!!!!!!!! lepas gak drpd seksaan yg melampau neyh... em.... da lame gak aq x tngok blog neyh... rindu lak.. hehehe
tp yg pling penting......
aq dah dpt bnyk pengajaran drpd apew yg berlaku kat sekeliling aq..
jgn terlalu mudah percye kan owng n dgr ckp owg len.. sume keputusan.. msti lah dri diri sndiri..
so.. pas neyh lau aq nak wat sesuatu.. nmpknye.. kne la aq pikir bek n buruk nye dulu.. exmple mlm td... adew ke ptot aq pgi jumpe adik angkat aq 2 mlm2.. dah la sunyi.. gelap.. lau pape jd.. pdn muke aq.. hahahah.....

Isnin, 28 Mac 2011

cam ne ae nak pandai fizik n bio.. can someone help me.. na target A+ neyh.....

Rabu, 23 Mac 2011

ta tau nak wat pew

suke sgt ngn lagu neyh.. coz.. tringt blek time zaman kanak2 rebina.. sejak bile lah aq start cple ae?? em.. ntah la.. ha!! time drjah 6... yayayaya.. time 2 ngn apiz.. cam ne lah ae aq leyh sngkut ngn dye... sebab nk elak kn dri fahmy kowt?? n.. sjk bile aq reti men kan prasaan owg ae???? hurm.. maby pas clash ng apiz coz jeles bile drg dye ngn nik nur ayuni.. huhu.. pape nta aq neyh.. pas uh cple lak ngn nazree.. konon nye la nak ubat hty yg duke.. blek2 dye upenye suke kat owg len,, Ciss!! x gune punye jantan.. emm.. ta lme pas 2 cple ngn apiz blek.. ta tau camne leyh sambong blek.. plek2.. tp.. mby coz dah skit aty ngn dak uh.. aq pown gatal g pasang scndle.. nazrol la mamat uh.. aq suke pnggil dye syasya.. npew ae?? coz.. maby muke dye sme ngn dak syasya uh.. hikhikhik.. jgn mrh naz.. so.. start dri 2 aq cple ngn as'ad la.. nta spew2 la.. tp xkn aq lupe mamat yg bername haikal.. coz.. dye la mamat yg hampir merosakkan aq dgn wat perkare yg bukan2.. ye la.. msing2 ta mtg lagi.. jnisuke enjoy lak.. tapi pas pindah sini.. aq dah ta wat bende2 2... huhu.. bgos ta?? aq dahh insaf bile kat sini.. downg kat sini pling trok pown just cple2.. haha, 2 la dunie.. tp bile pindah sini sume dah brubah.. aq pown dah pndai jge diri sndiri.. ta slalu follow kwn.. tp lau bab jln2.. mmg aq follow la.. bile dok sowng2.. tringat lak pew aq dah wat time kat ks uh... klah.. na smbung wat keje.. bubye secret life..

Ahad, 20 Mac 2011

keje giler

smlm la.. hujan lebat sgt.. time blek tusyen uh.. plan nk g kenduri.. time kat rumah A.. bju aq still leyh pkai lg.. tp bile nk antar n amik L.. bju mmg dah bsh kuyup.. tp knduri punye psl.. ngn prot lapar.. sanggup ku redahi jua.. nk dijadikan cite.. time uh bru pas g kedai topap.. so.. x follow la kwn yg tau umah dye kat ne. haha.. dye suh je lalu kat jln besar uh, so.. aq bwk le moto 2 ikowt suke aty aq je.. tnpe hala tuju yg betul.. pas uh nmpk bunga mangga kat area 2.. aq pown follow je la arah bunge mangga 2.. x lme pas 2.. aq ngn L sampai la kat rumah 2.. tp ase cm len mcm je coz A x de kat situ..
L pown call la si A.. A kate umah 2 .. ade khemah warne oren.. tp y aq ngn L kat rmh yg dew khemah warne puteh.. ape lg.. ngn muke x malu nye aq ngn L g patah blek dlm ujan2.. huhu.. mmg sgn giler la.. mane x nye.. org yg dlm khemah 2 dah pndng kiteowng.. msty downg piker len.. mmg x dpt nk ktew pew la.. tp.. still tros kan juga smpai la jumpe rmh pengntin uh.. dah jumpe.. cite la kat si A.. mmg dye gelakkan kiteowg la.. ye la.. kat undangn kat tngn dye.. mane la kiteowg tau umah nye kat ne..
mmg x kan lupe la bende neyh sampai bile2.....

Khamis, 17 Mac 2011

mlm td bowink sgt2.. ta tau nk wat pew.. so.. lya g snap picture.. huhuhu.. mmg x de keje.. tp kje berlambak.. ta tau nak wat yg mane 1??
ergh!! rindu nye la kat D..  cm ne ae nak hilangkan perasaan 2?? campak kat longkang je la.. hikhikhik.. erm..... mlm td dah lepas rindu kat b.. trase epy sgt..
lg 1.. asal adik angkat aq sume len mcm?? tkowt la.. dulu azroy uh.. mule2 mmg jd adik angkat.. x lme pas uh dye minx cple ngn aq?? giler r.. umur die mude stahun dri aq?? x nk la.. aq lg suke owg yg sebaya or lg tue dri aq.. coz.. aq akan rse lg slamt.. ye x??? k lah.. nk out dulu.. bubye my secret life.

Rabu, 16 Mac 2011

1 ary yg epy.

smlm g jln2 ngn peja.. nyummy! dye blanje aq mkn ice-cream potong n jagung rebus.. huhu..
pas 2 aq cite la sume mslh aq kat dye.. dye suh aq pilih antare due????
cam ne ae?? coz due2 aq syg... hurm...

Khamis, 10 Mac 2011

wah.. asal ary neyh aq cm budak2 ae???
sporting giler.. enjoy je.. cam dah lepas SPM lak..
maby coz ary neyh mendung je kowt??
cam haty aq..
sian L.. aq suh dye ikowt g rombongn.. kejam x???
F.. npew x nk join??? kan best g jln2?? ye la.. mrajuk ngn aq le 2.. huhu..
hurm.. times up.. kne g tusyen lak..



yeay!! mths dapat 100... huhu.. tp +mths maby x dpt kowt coz bnyk careless..
tp tok sub len... arap2 okey la..
x nk la dpt result trok..
td kat skolah best sgt.. ngn L, A & F..
x tau npew.. maby coz dah abis exm...
msing2 jd gile2 ciket ary neyh....
td best lak slow talk ngn my 'hubby'..
dah lme x sembang ngn dye..
almaklum lah..
dulu susah siket coz spy ex-bf adew... huhu..
tp skunk bhagie sgt2 ngn farid.. sampai x ley trucap cm ne rsenye..
panjang nye aq taip.. hehehehe..
k lah.. arap2 hubungn aq ngn farid dpt kekal lme...
-by mazlin-


my mom... hurm.. asl ler ary neyh dye bad mood.. menambahkn mood x baik aq je.. frast giler..

Isnin, 7 Mac 2011

suatu penyesalan

halu.... hari neyh exam pai... agak susah la gak... ye la.. ape y dibace x kuar lak dlm exm.. wat penat jew bace... menyesal lak x bce sume td... maths lak sng sgt.. thnx kpd cikgu y wat soaln.. x dew la susah sgt kiteowg nk perah otak....
ptg neyh cm biase...
g jln2...